what is Snark - Help System gD|D| You may find that the current icon of the show button of an entry is not appropriate. You can change this icon by doing this: A. Paste an icon to the clipboard by using your favourite icon manager or the sample of icons that are in 'ICONS.TBK' that should have come with this program. Do this before you press the 'edit' button, because Snark supposes that there is an icon in the clipboard when you choose 'change icon' B. Press the 'edit' button of the entry you want to edit and then choose 'change icon'. The current icon will be deleted and the new icon be pasted from the clipboard. You will be asked before the old icon is deleted, since 'it will softly and suddenly vanish away and never be met with again' - that means it is not pasted to the clipboard but directly thrown into the orkus....... inhalt speichern location istungen keiH speichern You can save all your settings by using the 'done' button. The program names, the icons, the paths of the programs and the location of Snark will then be changed. You will be asked for the path where Snark should be saved. Toolbook files have the nasty habit to become larger when you use and save them. Thus Snark could easily grow twice or thrice as big. To bypass this, the 'done' button is somewhat roundabout. It first saves Snark as 'SNARK.OLD' and then as 'SNARK.TBK'. This takes a little longer but keeps the file small. You can always delete 'SNARK.OLD' if you re low on disk space. You can move Snark anywhere you like and save this position. To do this, press the small long green button. A box will appear, choose 'save location'. If you press this button, Snark will appear at this place the next time you start it or when you press the 'done' button. Pressing the small long green button also saves your changes to disk. You should place this window - which is rather large - at the very corner of the screen so that most of the window is 'outside' the screen and only the show and hide buttons are visible. You could do this manually every time you run Snark, but you can save the location by pressing the green button and the choosing 'save location'. If you choose 'edit' the snark window will be moved to the left upper corner. "These buttons xwork the help - program" buttonup buttonup These buttons do not work in the help - program right --> top pfadname c:\windows about "This Bdoes xwork the help - program" buttonup buttonup This button does not work in the help - program back to the table of contents inhalt What is Snark? What is new in V. 1.2 Button What is new in V. 1.2is new in V. 1.2 Button How to use Snark Button Editing an entry Button Adding an icon Button where to place Snark Table of Contents save your settings "speichern" buttonup "location" buttonup buttonup location The new version of Snark enables you to place the program on the right hand side of the screen, on the left hand side and at the top. I didn t implement the ability to place it at the bottom since the caption bar would take away a lot of screen space there. All buttons will be moved and rotated. All your other settings will not be affected by this. I changed the way to edit the entries by introducing the edit button. A stupid bug in V.1.1 was removed asking for the snark path every time the program was started. Still, Snark is Snarkware, that means its free and even 'handy for striking a light'. Suggestions for future releases send to: Olaf Winkelhake Universit t Passau Innstr. 27 8390 Passau Germany or: wkwinkel@ibm.rz.uni-passau.de icon 1 :PHYSSIZE wwwwwwwwwwwwww wwwwwwwwwwwwww fenstername larstool 2.5 programmpfad c:\prg\tbk15\toolbook.exe h:\ow\lars.tbk color 60,50,100 fenstername Larstool 2.5 programmpfad c:\prg\tbk15\toolbook.exe h:\ow\lars.tbk show-button hide-button edit-button entry These three buttons are the most important ones in Snarky go back to the table of contents "inhalt" buttonup buttonup inhalt location You should place the Snark window - which is rather large - at the very corner of the screen so that most of the window is 'outside' the screen and only the show and hide buttons are visible. You could do this manually every time you run Snark, but you can save the location by pressing the green button and the choosing 'save location'. If you choose 'edit' the snark window will be moved to the left upper corner. You can place Snark at the very right side, the very left and the upper side of your screen. You can rotate through this locations with the 'right --> top' 'top --> left' and 'left --> right' buttons. You can t do anything wrong. Only one of these buttons will be visible at a time. You may have to rotate twice to get where you want to. The buttons will be moved to the appropriate place, rotated and mirrored so that the 'show' buttons will always be more 'inside' the screen than the 'hide' buttons. As you can t move the entire caption bar outside the window, Snark will move itself to the appropriate plac that most of the window is 'outside' the screen and only the show and hide buttons are visible. You could do this manually every time you run Snark, but you can save the location by pressing the green button and the choosing 'save location'. If you choose 'edit' the snark window will be moved to the left upper corner. fenster your screen fenster nthe 2576, 448 2632, 448 2688, 448 2800, 504 2856, 504 2912, 504 3024, 504 3080, 504 3136, 504 3192, 504 3248, 504 3304, 504 3360, 504 3416, 504 3472, 504 3528, 504 3584, 504 3640, 504 3696, 504 3752, 504 3808, 504 3808, 448 buttonUp buttonUp fenster use snark fenster nthe 3752, 448 3696, 448 3640, 448 3584, 448 3528, 448 3472, 448 3416, 448 3360, 448 3304, 448 3192, 448 3136, 448 3024, 448 2968, 448 2912, 448 2856, 448 2800, 448 2744, 448 2688, 448 2632, 448 2576, 448 2520, 448 2408, 448 2352, 448 2296, 448 buttonUp buttonUp fenster edit snark Windows Snark - Help System gD|D| gD|D| rightbuttonup rightbuttonup Tms Rmn gD|D| gD|D| auther "inhalt" tbuttonup reader author rightbuttonup enterbook rightbuttonup reader sizetopage author sizetopage auther enterbook reader inhalt not satisfied with the way Windows handles icons by default. If you push the standard 'iconifiing button' the corresponding window will be turned into an icon. This is a nice idea at the first sight, but if you have quite a few programs iconified, those icons take away a lot of space on the screen. Since screens tend to have more vertical than horizontal space this even enlarges the disproportion and leads to cinemascope computing. When I was tired of moving the icons manually to piles on the sides of the screen, Snark came to my mind. Snark takes care of the icons, if you don t use the iconify button of window, but the 'hide' button of snark. The window will simply be invisible. Use Snark and your icons will 'softly and suddenly vanish away and never be met with again' The task of the 'standard' Windows icons is to show you that there is a program in memory but not actually visible. This task is now performed by the 'hide' button. Whenever the 'hide' button is invisible, you know that the corresponding program is invisible. The 'show' button will bring up the window of the corresponding program. That means it will start the program if the program is not yet running, it will show the window if it is running, but invisible or it will bring the window to the top if the program is running and visible but eclipsed by other windows. The 'edit' button enables you to specify which program should be affected by an 'entry' inhalt What is Snark? What is new in V. 1.2 Button What is new in V. 1.2is new in V. 1.2 Button How to use Snark Button Editing an entry Button Adding an icon Button where to place Snark Table of Contents save your settings "speichern" buttonup buttonup speichern "location" buttonup buttonup location buttonup buttonup "icon" buttonup buttonup "what buttonup buttonup what is buttonup buttonup Editing an entry Button Adding an icon Button where to place Snark Table of Contents save your settings "speichern" buttonup buttonup speichern "location" buttonup buttonup location buttonup buttonup "icon" buttonup buttonup "what buttonup buttonup what is First of all you have to set up Snark using the 'edit' button. If you re doing this for the first time - you might like an example, so let us create an 'entry' for Microsoft Word for Windows. Choose one of the entries that should take care of Word. Push the 'edit' button. A message box will appear. Push 'edit caption or path'. You will then be asked which caption the window has. This means the title of the window, when the window is active. Enter the correct caption In the german version this would be: Microsoft Word and press ok. Another box will appear asking for the path and name of the program. Enter it. At my system I d enter c:\windows\winword.exe You have to enter path and program name and caption to enable snark to work. Try the show and hide button of this entry now. The show button should invoke Word if it is not running yet - or - if running - show it if hidden. If it does not - check caption and pathname again by pressing the edit button. A rather nasty problem is this: Some programs carry the name of the file that is currently edited in the caption bar of their window. So your Word Window might be titled Microsoft Word (untitled) Microsoft Word (README.DOC) etc. As Snark is only able to recognize a window by its full caption it will not understand that you want to hide a window with the caption 'Microsoft Word (untitled)' as it searches for a window with the caption only 'Microsoft Word'. I suggest to use the 'arrange' feature if possible to bypass this. Maybe I find a way to change this in future versions. If you don t like the icon of the entry, you can of course change it. How to do it is explained in an extra chapter..... what is Snark is an application launcher that manages your icons as well. It looks like those 'NeXTBar' Applications already available but has some additional features. I wrote it since I was not satisfied with the way Windows handles icons by default. If you push the standard 'iconifiing button' the corresponding window will be turned into an icon. This is a nice idea at the first sight, but if you have quite a few programs iconified, those icons take away a lot of space on the screen. Since screens tend to have more vertical than horizontal space this even enlarges the disproportion and leads to cinemascope computing. When I was tired of moving the icons manually to piles on the sides of the screen, Snark came to my mind. Snark takes care of the icons, if you don t use the iconify button of window, but the 'hide' button of snark. The window will simply be invisible. Use Snark and your icons will 'softly and suddenly vanish away and never be met with again' The task of the 'standard' Windows icons is to show you that there is a program in memory but not actually visible. This task is now performed by the 'hide' button. Whenever the 'hide' button is invisible, you know that the corresponding program is invisible. The 'show' button will bring up the window of the corresponding program. That means it will start the program if the program is not yet running, it will show the window if it is running, but invisible or it will bring the window to the top if the program is running and visible but eclipsed by other windows. The 'edit' button enables you to specify which program should be affected by an 'entry' Snark is able to take care of 15 programs. This is about as much as fits on a 800*600 pixel screen vertically. If you find this is not enough - drop me a line. icon 10 N,:PHYSSIZE wwwwwwwwwwwwwwp wwwwwwwwwwwwwwp icon 3 6>:PHYSSIZE nt objects field fields button buttons layer layers pages background backgrounds Header: Footer: toolbook.exe control.exe notepad.exe clipbrd.exe *.TBK A&4 (29.7 x 21.0 cm) A&5 (21.0 x 14.8 cm) A&6 (14.8 x 10.5 cm) A&7 (10.5 x 7.4 cm) &9 x 6 in &8 x 5 in &6 x 4 in &5 x 3 in Please enter the password to %s gain Author level access. save this book. open this book. &Find &Find Next HELP.TBK this book QUIKTOUR.TBKo